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Our Namesake: John Ben Shepperd
Speeches of John Ben Shepperd
Panhandle Plains Regional Meeting of the Natural Gasoline Association of America
November 22, 1957
Amarillo, Texas
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First Model Library of Criminology in the State of Texas
September 23, 1957
Abilene, Texas
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The Lawyer – Freedom’s Advocate
September 21, 1957
Oklahoma Bar Association - Lake Murray, Oklahoma
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“Young Man with a System”
July 26, 1957
United States Junior Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors - Tulsa, Oklahoma
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Joint Civic Club Luncheon
July 2, 1957
Joint Civic Club Luncheon on the occasion of millionth person visiting the Crimemobile - Mineral Wells, Texas
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The Sign on the Door
May 28, 1957
Commencement Exercises of Knox City High School - Knox City, Texas
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Eastern New Mexico and South Plains Peace Officers Association
April 18, 1957
Lamesa, Texas
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No Place for Silent Partners
April 11, 1957
Spring Conference of the Seventeenth District of the Texas Congress of Parents and Teachers - Odessa, Texas
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The Future of State Government—If Any
March 5, 1957
Joint Luncheon of the League of Women Voters and the Junior Chamber of Commerce - Odessa, Texas
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Nacogdoches Daughters of the American Revolution
February 16, 1957
Nacogdoches, Texas
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The Lawyer – Freedom’s Advocate
February 9, 1957
Illinois Bar Association Lincoln Day Luncheon - Peoria, Illinois
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Young Man with a System
January 21, 1957
Junior Chamber of Commerce Distinguished Service Awards Banquet - Monahans
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27th Annual Clinical Assembly of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons
October 31, 1954
Dallas, Texas
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Address to National United Church Ushers of America
July 15, 1954
San Antonio, Texas
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Address to the Texas Water Conservation Association
October 13, 1953
Baker Hotel, Dallas, Texas
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Ninth Annual Fish Fry of the Fraternity of the White Heron
June 20, 1953
Anahauc, Texas
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Texas Regional Convention of the League of the United Latin American Citizens
January 31, 1953
San Antonio, Texas
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