Presidents of Minor Baseball Leagues

October 17, 1953 Presidents of Minor Baseball Leagues (Dallas, Texas) As a result of a lawsuit recently the Supreme Court is now considering the question of whether baseball is a sport or a business. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes ruled 30 years ago that it was a sport. I believe it is still a sport; and I also believe it ought …

Address to the Texas Water Conservation Association

October 13, 1953 Address to the Texas Water Conservation Association (Baker Hotel, Dallas, Texas) When a man makes a speech he hopes for a sympathetic audience. But in this case I came prepared to give sympathy, not get it. I can sympathize with you on a double count: in the first place, I’m vitally concerned about our water problem in …

Ninth Annual Fish Fry of the Fraternity of the White Heron

All of us are interested in our terrific water problem in Texas or we wouldn’t be here. I wish I had the time to talk to you about various phases of it—about the Deweyvilles and Laredos, the gyp water and the withering corn, the farms and cities right here along the Trinity that are crying for water while almost six …

Bluebonnet Girls’ State

It does me good to see so many young women taking part in Girls’ State. I have a profound respect for girls and what they can do. According to the old saying, boys will be boys—and too often that is a static condition—they remain boys all their lives. But girls always grow up to be women. Down through history women …

Graduating Class of South Texas College

June 1, 1953 Graduating Class of South Texas College (Houston, Texas) Graduation day is traditionally a day for words—words of congratulation, words of good-bye to friends and classmates, and commencement addresses full of philosophy and advice. As for philosophy, it is like molasses—sticky; and as for advice, you have reached the stage where you had much rather give it than …

South Texas Press Association

April 24, 1953 South Texas Press Association (San Antonio, Texas) Speaking to you in my present capacity is like coming home to see Mom a couple months after enlisting in the service. I feel like laying my head on your shoulder and telling you what I’ve got myself into. I believe you ladies present will derive benefit from a little …